Are you ready to stop arguing and communicate better in your relationship?

Join the thousands of couples that I’ve helped and let me show you how to transform your relationship—for good!

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Are you looking for help for your relationship?

If you are, check out my new book: Fix Your Relationship For Good

In 'Fix Your Relationship For Good', I will show you, step-by-step,  exactly what you can do to:

  • Stop arguing and communicate better as a couple

  • Get past the issues that keep coming up—for good!

  • Influence your partner to step up and take action

  • Stop doing the things that are keeping you stuck

  • Re-connect with your partner on a deeper and more intimate level

  • Create the relationship you really want—easily!

Click here to find out more

Hi there, I'm Paul McNiff, 

No matter how your relationship looks right now...

and no matter what you've already done to try to fix it...

If you want to make your relationship great, you CAN!

But first, you need to know how...

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Surprisingly, most of the things that couples are told to do to fix their relationships, not only don't work... but typically end up making things even worse instead! 

For example... in your relationship do you: 

  • Count to ten before you say anything
  • Look for the good in your partner when they're annoying you
  • Try not to worry about the small stuff (even though it's driving you mad)
  • Say nothing and let your partner have their way (so you don't argue or upset them)
  • Say things, such as:

"When you (do that),
  It makes me feel (this way)...
  So I want you to (do what I  want instead)!"

While things like this sound like they 'should' work...

And sometimes they even 'appear' to work at first...

The  truth is that things like this, which are often suggested to couples, actually create more issues down the track.

(And believe me, it's not just those things. There are many more!)

But don't worry...

You're definitely not alone!
And it's not your fault...

You probably learned to do these things by watching your parents when you were young... 

Or by reading about them in some well-intended, but unhelpful book...

Or maybe you were even told to do them by a (well-meaning) professional!

But if you want to stop arguing and feel better in your relationship...

You need to stop doing these things that are keeping your relationship stuck and most likely making it worse

Because unless you start to do things differently...

Nothing is likely to change in your relationship!

So are you ready to learn how to  communicate better and transform your relationship fast?

If you are, let me show you how... 

It really doesn't matter how bad or challenging things are right now... 

and it doesn't matter how long things
have been bad!

And it doesn't matter what you've already tried, or  how long you've been trying for!

None of that matters!  

All that matters is this...

If you genuinely want to fix your relationship, YOU CAN!

But it's not by doing the things that most couples try!

Here's what others have said...

Hi Paul,

Just a quick note to say a huge THANK YOU!!!

Sarah and I are sitting on the back verandah, having a glass of wine and talking about how much our relationship and subsequent lives have improved since seeing you!

... we can honestly say we haven’t been this happy in years;
the transformation is massive!

Huge respect and feel free to use us a reference!"

Matthew & Sarah

Hi Paul,

When you said you worked differently to others, I thought you were just saying that to get people in.

But OMG! Wow! After seeing 3 others and walking away with no help, I am just blown away with how much you’ve helped us in such a short time.

Paul, all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

You’re amazing! You really DO work differently! Thank you”

Rochelle & Steve